Monday, March 7, 2011

Como io preparava mi articulo su le existentialismo

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Pro elaborar iste articulo, io comenciava con un texto sur le existentialismo in galiciano que io trovava in Wikipedia.

Io tunc usava le traductor de Google pro traducer lo a in espaniol.

Io tunc comparava le duo versiones del articulo e redigeva simultaneemente le versiones in espaniol e in galiciano.

Tunc io faceva traductiones a in portugese ex le versiones in espaniol e galiciano. Io tunc comparava iste traductiones e usava le traduction in galiciano como le base del version in portugese de mi articulo. A vices io trovava que Google produceva un melior traduction a in portugese del texto in espaniol que del texto in galiciano, e io tunc insereva iste partes del traduction del espaniol a in le traduction al portugese, producente un version composite del texto.

(Sovente il es utile comparar duo o tres traductiones de Google pro meliorar un traduction in un tertie o quarte lingua, respectivemente.)

Post facer isto, io faceva le traduction al anglese con referentia al textos in espaniol, galiciano, e portugese sin le adjuta de Google.

Finalmente, io produceva le version in interlingua con referentia a omne le altere versiones del articulo.

Si vos compara le texto original in Wikipedia con le version in galiciano que io finalmente produceva, vos videra que io ha facite diverse cambios significante al texto e pro clarificar lo e pro facer lo corresponder un pauco plus exactemente al versiones del texto in espaniol, portugese, e anglese.

Durante mi studios universitari del francese, nos anque studiava le existentialismo proque in ille epocha le philosophia de Sartre esseva assatis popular in Francia.

A me multe partes del existentialismo pareva incoherente, e io credeva que Sartre esseva aggresivemente ignorante del influentia social sur le vita human. Il es pauco probabile que un afroamericano nascite in certe partes de Los Angeles, pro exemplo, va a poter devenir un professor de mathematica o philosophia. E pro rationes simile, il es pauco probabile que un juvene musulman trappate in le bidonvilles de Paris va a poter escappar se del influentia de islam pro devenir, que nos dice, un existentialiste!


How I prepared my article on existentialism

To elaborate this article, I started with a text on existentialism in Galician that I found in Wikipedia.

I then used Google’s translator to translate it into Spanish.

I then compared the two versions of the article and simultaneously edited the versions in Spanish and Galician.

Then I made translations into Portuguese from the versions in Spanish and Galician. I then compared these translations and used the translation in Galician as the basis of the Portuguese version of my article. But at times I found that Google produced a better translation into Portuguese from the Spanish text than from the Galician text, and I then inserted these parts of the translation from Spanish into the Portuguese translation, producing a composite version of the text.

(It is often useful to compare two or three translations from Google to improve a translation in a third or fourth language, respectively.)

After doing this, I made the translation into English with reference to the texts in Spanish, Galician, and Portuguese without any help from Google.

Finally, I produced the version in Interlingua with reference to all the other versions of the article.

If you compare the original text in Wikipedia with the version in Galician that I finally produced, you will see that I have made several significant changes in the text both to clarify it and to make it correspond a little more closely to the versions of the text in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

During my university studies of French, we also studied existentialism because at that time Sartre’s philosophy was rather popular in France.

To me many parts of existentialism seemed incoherent, and I believed that Sartre was aggressively ignorant of social influence on human life. It is quite improbable that an African American born in certain parts of Los Angeles, for example, is going to become a professor of mathematics or philosophy. And for similar reasons it is highly unlikely that a young Muslim trapped in the slums of Paris will be able to escape from the influence of Islam to become, let’s say, an existentialist.

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