Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Un bon nova

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Martijn Dekker, qui durante annos ha travaliate indefatigabilemente pro interlingua, ha salvate omne le textos de “Interlingua in interlingua” e me ha inviate un message de e-mail con un attachamento de iste textos in le formato Zip. Io sta a communicar con le informatico qui me adjuva con le systema que io ha in mi appartamento de maniera que ille pote adjuvar me primo a immagazinar iste information in mi computator e postea a trovar un maniera de republicar lo in un nove sito.

Eventualmente, io vole publicar lo in duo sitos differente pro rationes de securitate (io jam publica “Interlingua multilingue” a [hkyson.wordpress.com] e [interlinguamultilingue.blogspot.com].

Si Martijn non habeva copiate iste information ante que Yahoo lo radeva permanemente de su servitores, omne illo haberea essite completemente perdite. Io dedicava multissime labor al compliation del textos de iste sito, e io debe a Martijn un grandissime debito de gratitude pro haber salvate le textos de “Interlingua in interlingua”. Ben que io ha republicate alicunes del textos de iste publication in “Interlingua multilingue”, il ha multissime alteres, includente le textos de mi curso, que se haberea perdite permanentemente si Martijn non habeva essite tan proactive!

Multissime gratias, Martijn!


Martijn Dekker, who for years has worked indefatigably for Interlingua, has saved all the texts of “Interlingua in interlingua” and has sent me an e-mail message with an attachment of these texts in the Zip format. I am communicating with the computer technician who assists me with the system that I have in my apartment so that, first of all, he can help me store this information in my computer and afterward find some way of republishing it on a new site.

Eventually, I want to publish it on two different sites for reasons of security (I already publish “Interlingua multilingue” at [hkyson.wordpress.com] and [interlinguamultilingue.blogspot.com].

If Martijn had not copied this information before Yahoo erased it permanently from its servers, all of it would have been completely lost. I dedicated a lot of work to compiling the texts of this site, and I owe Martijn a very large debt of gratitude for having saved the texts of “Interlingua in interlingua.” Though I have republished some of the texts of this publication in “Interlingua multilingue,” there are many others, including the texts of my course, that would have been permanently lost if Martijn had not been so proactive.

Thanks a lot, Martijn!

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