Sunday, September 6, 2009

Venetia tosto habera multe citates gemine.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Venetia in Italia tosto non essera le sol citate in le mundo con multe aqua in le stratas. Un cambio del climate nos expecta in solmente 100 annos a causa del calefaction global.

Le pollution es le causa de iste phenomeno. Le Terra de facto ja es un poco plus calide que antea. Le temperatura medie es expectate a crescer con 1,5-4,5 grados, ma in regiones nord illo cresce 8-10 grados, e poco a poco le glacie polar comencia disgelar. Isto significa que le mar crescera un medie metro, forsan usque a un e medie, durante le proxime 100 annos. Scientistas seriose parla de un bomba climatic.

Un conferentia de recercatores del futuro in Stockholm ha publicate un reporto, “Surprising Futures” (Futuros surprendente), que parla del possibilitate de construer enorme dicas pro stoppar le mares. Le hollandeses, pro exemplo, time le situation, proque grande partes del pais es situate sub le nivello del mar. Un inundation grande occurreva in 1953. Le costos esseva 12 milliardos de florinos.

Cata vice que le mar cresce con un metro, le costa se move retro 150 metros, e le climate del Mediterraneo va diffunder se verso nord con siccitate, insectos african que va destruer le recoltas, menacias contra le sanitate e enorme migrationes de gente verso le nord como resultato del calor crescente. E in le nord multe sortas de plantas e arbores va morir a causa del mesme calor.

“Nos vive in tempore prestate,” dice alcun scientistas, durante que alteres adverti contra le theorias e dice que nos anque non ha multe datos pro poter facer tal predictiones.

Un signo concrete del catastrophe menaciante es le cavo in le strato de ozono supra Antarctica, discoperite in le fin del 1980s. Substantias como oxydos nitric e freones ha essite inviate in le atmosphera in enorme quantitates, e poco a poco le strato de ozono se ha dissolvite. Le Statos Unite e alcun paises west ha prohibite le uso de gases de freon in lattas, ma malgrado isto le uso de freon ha crescite a 800.000 tonnas per anno. Ora on essaya facer paises signar un tractato international de bipartir le uso de freon, cuje moleculas destrue le ozono, ante 1999. Le gente totevia lassa freon in le aere cinque vices plus rapidemente que le natura pote demolir lo.

Le ozono es nostre securitate, nostre scuto contra le periculose radios ultraviolette del sol. Sin illo, quando nos jace sur le plagia in le estate pro devenir brun, nos esserea rostite. Si le strato de ozono continua esser demolite, homines, animales, e plantas morira a causa de calor e radios periculose.

Le effecto de estufa se realisa per le aqua e bioxydo carbonic del atmosphera. Illo functiona como le vitro de un estufa. Le radios del sol pote passar, ma le radiation de calor non pote escappar. Le mesme situation occurre in le ver mundo. Le calor non pote escappar del atmosphera, e le temperatura general se augmenta con resultatos terribile.

Le bomba climatic face tic-tac. Es un question de trovar le interruptor ante que il es troppo tarde.

(Per Thomas Breinstrup, publicate in “Panorama”, No. 3, maio-junio 1988 e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


Venice will soon have many twin cities.

Venice in Italy soon will not be the only city in the world with a lot of water in its streets. Climate change awaits us in only 100 years because of global warming.

Pollution is the cause of this phenomenon. The Earth is indeed a little warmer than before. The average temperature is expected to grow by 1.5 to 4.5 degrees, but in northern regions it will grow by 8 to 10 degrees, and little by little polar ice is beginning to melt. This means that the sea will grow by a half a meter, perhaps up to one and a half meters, in the coming 100 years. Serious scientists speak of a climate bomb.

A conference of researchers on the future in Stockholm has published a report, “Surprising Futures,” which discusses the possibility of constructing enormous dikes to stop the seas. The Dutch, for example, are in fear of the situation because large parts of the country are below sea level. A great flood took place in 1953. The costs were 12 billion guilders.

Each time that sea level goes up by a meter, the coast moves back 150 meters, and the climate of the Mediterranean will move toward the north with drought, African insects that will destroy crops, threats against health, and enormous migrations of people heading north as a result of the growing heat. And in the north many kinds of plants and trees are going to die because of the same heat.

“We are living on borrowed time,” say some scientists, while others warn against the theories and say that we also don’t have a lot of data to be able to make such predictions.

A concrete sign of the catastrophic threat is the hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica, discovered at the end of the 1980s. Substances like nitric oxide and Freon have been sent into the atmosphere in enormous quantities, and little by little the ozone layer has dissolved. The United States and some western countries have prohibited the use of freon in spray cans, but despite this the use of freon has grown to 800,000 tons a year. Now efforts are being made to get countries to sign an international treaty to reduce by half the use of freon, whose molecules destroy ozone, before 1999. People still release freon into the air five times more rapidly that nature can destroy it.

Ozone is our security, our shield against dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Without it, when we lie on the beach in the summer to get tanned, we would be roasted. If the ozone layer continues to be demolished, people, animals, and plants will die because of heat and dangerous radiation.

The greenhouse effect is caused by the water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It works like the glass in a greenhouse. The sun’s rays can go through, but heat radiation cannot escape. The same situation occurs in the real world. Heat cannot escape from the atmosphere, and the general temperature increases with terrible results.

The climate bomb is ticking. It is a question of turning the switch off before it is too late.

(By Thomas Breinstrup, published in “Panorama”, No. 3, May-June, 1988 and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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