Sunday, September 6, 2009

Como usar le ressources bibliographic de “Interlingua multilingue” e “Interlingua in interlingua”

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le articulo “Technica moderne provide nove sapientia super le pyramides” appareva in le prime numero de “Panorama” publicate in januario, 1988. Illo es disponibile in “Interlingua in interlingua” con altere articulos simile. Probabilemente quasi omne le vetule numeros de “Panorama” ha essite perdite; e si io non habeva preservate iste articulos in “Interlingua in interlingua”, illos nunc non esserea disponibile pro studio.

Io vole incoragiar vos a studiar los e a publicar versiones de illos in interlingua e vostre linguas native. Collectiones de tal textos poterea esser un ressource utilissime pro studentes de linguas. (Si vos es un francese, pro exemplo, e volerea preparar versiones de iste articulos in interlingua e francese, io poterea publicar los in “Interlingua multilingue”. Si vos trova iste possibilitate interessante, scribe me a

Il ha multe simile articulos de interesse general immagasinate in “Interlingua in interlingua” e “Interlingua multilingue” que vos pote usar pro tal projectos. Si vos es le partisano de un altere lingua planificate, io vos invita a examinar los e preparar traductiones o adaptationes de illos in vostre lingua preferite. De iste maniera vos facilemente potera accumular un grande corpore de textos pro studentes del lingua planificate que vos prefere--e anque pro studentes de vostre linguas native.


The Article “Technica moderne provide nove sapietnia super le pyramides” appeared in the first issue of “Panorama” published in January, 1988. It is available in “Interlingua in interlingua” with other similar articles. Probably almost all the old issues of “Panorama” have been lost; and if I had not preserved these articles in “Interlingua in interlingua,” they would not now be available for study.

I want to encourage you to study them and to publish versions of them in Interlingua and your native languages. Collections of such texts could be a very useful resource for language students. (If you are French, for example, and would like to prepare versions of these articles in Interlingua and French, I could publish them in “Interlingua multilingue.” If you find this possibility interesting, write me at

There are many other articles of general interest stored in “Interlingua in interlingua” and “Interlingua multilingue” that you can use for such projects. If you are the partisan of another planned language, I invite you to examine them and prepare translations or adaptations of them in your preferred language. In this way you will easily be able to accumulate a large corpus of texts for students of the planned language that you prefer--and also for students of your native languages.

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