Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Loeiz" parla sur su discoperimento de interlingua.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Quando io ha discoperite interlingua, alicun annos retro, lo que me placeva immediatemente era le formas prototypic del parolas. In le universitate, io studeva le litteratura francese e le linguistica. Io me habeva specialisate in le litteratura medieval. Io studeva ergo le ancian francese, e lo que nos nomina “phonetica historic”. Isto es le le transformation progressive del parolas ab le latino usque al francese moderne. E gratias a ille vetule cognoscentias, io comprendeva como le parolas de interlingua habeva essite construite. “Isto es un meraviliose joco pro linguistas!” me diceva io. De plus, le comprension del textos me dava un placer que io trovava in nulle altere lingua planate.

Un altere cosa que me placeva in interlingua es le rhythmo del lingua, gratias al position del accento tonic super le ultime, penultime, o antepenultime syllaba, sed semper super lo que era accentuate in latino, dante un rhythmo natural e cantante que non existe, per exemplo, in francese, que accentua semper le ultime syllaba, ni in esperanto, que accentua semper le penultime syllaba in despecto del position original del accento in le parola.

Nunc, lo que io ama super toto in interlingua es que illo es un ver lingua, un lingua complete. Illo non es un sorta de latino vulnerate, ni un mixtura de varie linguas cuje elementos heterogenee forma un sabir abhorribile, ni un disnaturation del linguas de fonte. Al contrario, illo porta in se le hereditage del latino e del linguas que nasceva ex isto. Illo es vivente, illo nos da tote le nuances que nos pote besoniar, illo ha su proprie sufflo, su proprie anima.

In scriber o parlar, in traducer o crear nove textos, nos non debe essayar reproducer lo que existe in nostre linguas respective, sed cercar lo que es specific a interlingua. Assi nos attingera le scopo e initial e ultime de interlingua, a saper le internationalitate del discurso, a fin de esser comprendite per le maxime numero de personas.


“Loeiz” speaks about his discovery of Interlingua.

When I discovered Interlingua some years a go, what I immediately liked was the protypical form of the words. In the university, I studied French literature and linguistics. I had majored in medieval literature. I thus studied Old French and what we call “historical phonetics.” This is the progressive transformation of words from Latin to modern French. And thanks to that old knowledge, I understood how the words of Interlingua had been constructed. “This is a marvelous game for linguists!” I said to myself. In addition, understanding the texts gave me a pleasure that I found in no other planned language.

Another thing that I liked in Intelringua is the rhythm of the language, thanks to the position of the stress accent on the last, second-to-the-last, or third-to-the-last syllable, but always on what was accented in Latin, providing a natural and singing rhythm that exists neither in French, for example, which is always stressed on the last syllable, nor in Esperanto, which is always stressed on the second-to-the last syllable despite the original position of stress in the original word.

Now what I like above all in Interlingua is that it is a true language, a complete language. It is not some sort of wounded Latin or a mixture of various languages whose heterogeneous elements form a horrible jargon, or a distortion of source languages. On the contrary, it carries within itself the heritage of Latin and of the the languages that were born from it. It is living, it gives us all the nuances that we need, it has its own rhythm and its own genius.

In writing or speaking, in translating or creating new texts, we should not try to reproduce what exists in our respective languages but should search instead for what is specific to Interlingua. In this way we will attain the initial and ultimate goal of Interlingua, namely the internationality of discourse, with the idea of being understood by the greatest number of people.

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