Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Venetia menaciate per un ver exodo

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Italia: Le famose citate romantic de gondalas, e canales, Venetia, experientia un rapide e continue reduction in su population. Un ver exodo de su population ha affligite le citate, e le politicos ora essaya reducer le impostos del citate pro attraher residentes.

74.974 venetianos ha essite contate in le plus recente censo de su habitantes, e cata anno plus que 1.500 personas abandona le citate. Ante 40 (quaranta) annos le population esseva quasi le duple de hodie. Venetia lucta contra le mar, que menacia le stabilitate del edificios del citate, e le taxa de neonascentias (400) es multo distante del taxa de mortes venetian (1.200).

Le burgomaestro venetian, Ugo Bergamo, ha assemblate le comite [alt-130] inter-ministerial pro Venetia pro demandar un reduction de impostos municipal pro incoragiar le venetianos a remaner. Le consilio municipal initiava ante alicun annos un ample restauration de edificios ancian, lo que anque ha su precio.

Inter altere cosas il es sovente impossibile que copulas venetian novemente maritate pote accumular le moneta necesse pro comprar lor proprie habitation. E cata die le citate es inundate per plus que 100.000 touristas, qui lassa post se tracias clar de lor presentia.

(Nota que, secundo le normas de redaction in le anglese scribite, al minus in le Statos Unite, on non debe comenciar un proposition con un numero. Assi, in vice de scriber alique como "74,974 venetianos ha essite contate ... ", on debe trovar un maniera de comenciar un tal asseveration con al minus un parola scribite. Assi in anglese il esserea melior scriber "Conjunctemente, 74.974 venetianos ha essite contate ... ".)


Italy: The famous romantic city of gondolas and canals, Venice, is experiencing a rapid and continual/continuous/continuing reduction in its population. A true exodus of its population has afflicted the city, and politicians are now trying to reduce city taxes to attract residents.

All together, 74,974 (seventy-four thousand nine hundred seventy-four) Ventians have been counted in the most recent census of its inhabitants, and each year more than 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) people abandon/leave the city. Forty years ago, the population was almost double that of today. Venice is fighting against the sea, which menaces the stability of the buildings of the city, and the birthrate (400 [four hundred]) is highly distant from the Venetian death rate (1,200 [one thousand two hundred]).

The Venetian mayor, Ugo Bergamo, has assembled the Venice Interministerial Committee to ask for a reduction of municipal taxes to encourage Venetians to remain. The City Council started a significant restoration of ancient buildings a few years ago, which also has its costs.

Among other things, it is often impossible for newly married Venetian couples to save the money to buy their own houses. And each day the city is flooded with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) tourists, who leave clear traces of their presence.

(Note that, according to editing norms for written English, at least in the United States, a sentence should not begin with a number. Thus, instead of writing something like "74,974 Venetians have been counted ... ", a way should be found to start such a sentence with at least one written word. Thus in English it would be better to write "All together, 74,974 (seventy-four thousand nine hundred seventy-four) Venetians have been counted ... ".)

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