Saturday, January 10, 2009

Un nota sur le anglese de alicunes del textos de iste sito

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le scopo de iste sito es demonstrar le utilitate de interlingua e como un medio de communication in se per le presentation de multe textos sur un varietate de themas interessante e como un lingua ponte utile in le pedagogia de su linguas fonte. Assi, le versiones in a anglese del textos bi- e trilingue de iste sito a vices indica formas de expression alternative pro personas qui studia le anglese.


A note on the English of some of the texts of this site:

The purpose of this site is to demonstrate the usefulness of Interlingua both as a medium of communication in itself through the presentation of many texts on a variety of interesting subjects and as a bridge language useful in the teaching of its source languages. Thus, the version in English of the bi- and trilingual texts of this site sometimes indicate alternative forms of expression for people who are studying English.

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