Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Le cortice lexicogrammatic de interlingua e sus linguas fonte

(Languages of this post: Inerlingua, English)

Omne le linguas del mundo ha parolas e constructions grammatic que es usate multo frequentemente. Con iste nucleo structural, on pote exprimer multe conceptos facile- e clarmente.

Le limites de iste nucleo structural non es ben definite, ma on pote identificar lo con studios statistic.

Le textos de iste sito in interlingua e su linguas fonte usa principalmente iste nucleo structural. Si vos studia attentemente le differente versions de iste articulos breve, vos augmentara grandemente vostre capacitates de expression in iste linguas.


The lexical and structural core of Interlingua and its source languages:

All the languages of the world have words and grammatical constructions that are used very frequently. With this structural core, it is possible to express many concepts easily and clearly.

The limits of this structural core are not well defined, but they can be identified through statistical studies.

The texts of this site in Interlingua and its source languages primarily use this structure core. If you carefully study the different versions of these brief articles, you will greatly increase your expressive capacity in these languages.

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